Press Release

ACCENTRO and ImmoScout24 Launch Comprehensive Marketing Partnership and Form New High-Powered Team for Real Estate Sales Nationwide


November 2021

  • Comprehensive marketing collaboration launched nationwide in a market that keeps growing dynamically – significant long-term sales potential for new-build apartments

  • ImmoScout24 to provide market access to more than 20 million digital users each month

  • Lars Schriewer, CEO of ACCENTRO: “This ushers in our next growth phase”

  • Ralf Weitz, Managing Director of ImmoScout24: “We offer ACCENTRO optimal market access, and the entire spectrum of our unique full-service concept for the marketing of residential real estate”

Berlin, 10 November 2021 – ACCENTRO Real Estate AG (“ACCENTRO”), an investor in residential real estate and Germany’s leading housing privatisation company, and Immobilien Scout GmbH (“ImmoScout24”) are pooling their forces in the marketing and selling of residential real estate. The two companies agreed on a strategic collaboration that has just been signed into effect in Berlin. The cooperation is long-term.

In conjunction with their strategic partnership, ACCENTRO and ImmoScout24 will identify residential real estate assets for joint marketing in the future. ACCENTRO offers owner companies guaranteed purchasing agreements for marketing and selling their assets. The digital marketing of the properties will be fully and exclusively handled by ImmoScout24. Being Germany’s leading online marketplace for real estate, ImmoScout24 offers access to more than 20 million users each month via its website or app.

“Our exclusive partnership with Germany’s leading real estate platform, ImmoScout24, propels us into our next growth phase,” commented Lars Schriewer, CEO of ACCENTRO. “The housing market is booming. By entering into this collaboration, we are strengthening our service spectrum for institutional sellers, property developers, estate agents and other property companies who wish to sell some of their portfolio assets. The impressive reach and the marketing service spectrum of ImmoScout24 opens up a whole new dimension for ACCENTRO: It will translate into significantly stronger growth of the new build segment in the medium term than we had been expecting so far.”

“With its long-term experience and its extensive network, ACCENTRO is a perfect partner for us. ImmoScout24 contributes its strength to the online marketing of properties – from marketing strategy, project homepages, to special advertising forms and social media marketing,” said Ralf Weitz, Managing Director of ImmoScout24. “What sellers and investors get out of this partnership, which combines best access to Germany’s largest real estate market with a highly productive sales organisation operating nationwide, is a unique package for the marketing of residential real estate.”

Within the framework of a purchasing agreement, ACCENTRO will handle the marketing of apartment portfolios belonging to investors or property developers on an exclusive basis. In return, Accentro guarantees to take over apartments into its proprietary portfolio at a fixed price in case selling them to third parties within a certain period of time proves impossible.

ImmoScout24 will be responsible for the entire online marketing strategy of the projects, including the compilation of sell sheets, the development of websites (micro sites), the placement in Germany’s largest online marketplace for real estate, the selection of suitable special advertising forms, and the marketing on social networks. These services will be provided by the internal media unit operating like an in-house agency—a concept that ImmoScout24 has successfully offered to property developers and large customers under a full-service concept for some time now. For more details, go to


ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is a residential property investor and Germany’s market leader in housing privatisations. Its real estate portfolio consisted of around 5,200 units as of 31 December 2020. In addition to Berlin, regional focal points include East German cities and conurbations, as well as the Rhine-Ruhr metro region and Bavaria. The business activity of ACCENTRO comprises four core divisions. These are the tenant-sensitive retailing of apartments to owner-occupiers and private buy-to-let investors, the sale of real estate portfolios to institutional investors, the set-up and management of a proprietary real estate portfolio, and third-party apartment marketing for property asset holders, investors and developers. The shares of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG are listed on the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (German securities code number WKN: A0KFKB, ISIN: DE000A0KFKB3).

About ImmoScout24

ImmoScout24 is the leading online platform for residential and commercial real estate in Germany. For over 20 years, ImmoScout24 has been revolutionising the real estate market and supports over 20 million users each month on its online marketplace or in its app to find a new home or commercial space. That's why 99 percent of our target customer group know ImmoScout24. With its digital solutions, the online marketplace coordinates and brings owners, realtors, tenants and buyers successfully together. ImmoScout24 is working towards the goal of digitising the process of real estate transactions and thereby making complex decisions easy. Since 2012, ImmoScout24 has also been active in the Austrian real estate market, reaching around 3 million users monthly.

Contact for investor relations

Thomas Eisenlohr


Kantstraße 44/45

10625 Berlin



+49 (0)30 - 88 71 81 272

Contact for press and public relations

Christian Dose

WMP EuroCom AG

Barckhaustrasse 1

D-60325 Frankfurt



+49 (0)69 2475689491 / +49 173 6679900

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