Extraordinary General Meeting 2025 (virtual)

Here you will find detailed information about the Extraordinary General Meeting, which will be held on Wednesday, April 9, 2025, at 11:00 AM (CET) as a virtual general meeting.

1. Contents of the Invitation / Agenda

Content of Invitation / Agenda

Announcement text in the Federal Gazette

Here you can access the internet-based shareholder portal with video and audio transmission of the General Meeting

3. Supplementary Explanations, Documents, and Reports of the General Meeting

4. Further Particulars concerning the Convention

Explanatory notes on the rights of shareholders

Total number of shares and voting rights at the time of convocation

Form for granting power of attorney to third parties

Form for the repesentation of voting rights by proxies appointed by the Company

5. Additional Information

Information regarding the Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018 1212 (Table 3)

General Provisions of Accentro Real Estate AG

Information on previous annual general meetings of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is available in the archive.

For questions please do not hesitate to contact us by phone +49 (0) 30/887 181 799 or by e-mail ir@accentro.ag.